Saturday, 12 December 2015

Of Fables And Fabled Court Cases

Of Fables And Fabled Court Cases

And for another week-end, a few stray thoughts and a few general observations and a few points of view (some of it my own work and some as reported by media):

From Russia comes this tale of love right out of Aesop’s fables. In Vladivastok zoo, Timur, a goat, was pushed into the enclosure of Amur, a tiger, as a live prey for the latter’s mid-day lunch or maybe a mid-night snack (the report is silent on these salient features of Amur’s dietary habits).  Timur, the goat, managed to make friends with Amur. End result? Timur, the timorous, has been sharing his dwellings with Amur who has become a bit amorous towards Timur. One is not aware whether Timur convinced Amur to give up his flesh-eating habits forever or if Timur has developed a sudden distaste for goat meat or if Amur decided that that since Thanksgiving was just over, he should reserve Timur for Christmas or New Year.  

Unfortunately, the news papers which are first to jump on stories like this, tend to keep the reader in complete darkness about the next episodes detailing the progress in such cases. I am sure readers will be keen to know how and when the of love affair between Amur and Timur would end; whether the end comes by zoo authorities granting a reprieve to Timur and removing him from Amur’s enclosure or if finally Timur would get Amur’s goat resulting in Amur finally claiming his goat. Our position is rather like that of Reader A, who finds at the end of page 228 that pages numbering 229 onwards have been maliciously torn away by some sadistic reader, let’s call him B, who happened to have laid his hands on the whodunit under question prior to A’s having done so, leaving A wondering forever if it was indeed the butler who did it or was it the butler’s lookalike second footman who did in the cook in the scullery.    

Elsewhere in the Land of The Setting Son, Master, the bĂȘte noir of the Grand Old Party, pulled out another skeleton out of the rickety old cupboard of the erstwhile ruling party heralding another joust of a national battleground. Old Empress and the Prince (both now in wilderness) immediately invoked superwoman powers of Prince’s daadi maa  to fight the evil magic unleashed by the wicked wicked opponents who think nothing about starting a fight over small change of Rs 5,000 crores. Well, now if daadi maa jab yaad aa gayee hai to shayad jaldi hi Prince ko apni naani bhi yaad aa jayegee.

Long awaited judgement in Salman Khan case has come out and against all expectations of people like you and me, the main accused has helped in doing  a Houdini in the “water-tight” case that Mumbai police had claimed they had built up. By popular consensus it has been decided that:

1. The car Salman was traveling in was a proto-type of Google driverless car under beta testing.

2. The car got drunk when it was parked in the parking lot of Marriot.

3. The car wanted to have something to eat (not having been invited by Salman to chai-coffee in the Rainbow Bar, it was obviously very very hungry), so finding American Express Bakery in its sight, the car tried to gatecrash and grab some buns.


Now that the case is mort judice (dead in the court, dead by the court and dead for the 
court), my only comment is:  XXXX XXXX XXX.

My friend Guy Wise says, if the judgement had turned out to be anything other than “Not Guilty” he would have lost all faith in power of money. 

It may just be better if we, as a society, decide not to waste our time and energy on frivolous litigations like these dragging on for dozens of years and wasting tax-payers money. I am sure we can utilize these resources better by pursuing cases against ticket-less travellers or some Gram Panchayat officials caught while taking bribes of 10 rupees.  


12th Dec 2015

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