Friday, 4 September 2015

The Coming Red Revolution - II

The Coming Red Revolution – II

A few years ago, NASA started on a program to develop artificial meat which could be grown “in vitro” on the spaceship itself, with a view to feed astronauts on long flights. A space-ship, as you would realize, has extremely limited resources and needs to conserve and recycle these in order to extend the possible flight time. Probably sometime during this exercise, realization must have dawned that the same considerations apply to Spaceship Earth. After all, essentially we are just a giant spaceship, totally on our own with limited resources and with almost negligible probability of being able to “import” any ingredients that we (may) require except energy from Sun. 

This thinking has been widely accepted now and “sustainability” has become a very important factor of consideration today. The issues which were highlighted in Part-I, regarding livestock farming are receiving a great deal of attention and among other remedies being discussed and probably foremost among them is the production of artificial, laboratory-grown meat.

Almost a century ago, in 1932, Sir Winston Churchill had predicted in an essay about future: “Fifty years hence we shall escape the absurdity of growing a whole chicken in order to eat the breast or wing by growing these parts separately under a suitable medium.” One can infer three things from this statement. One, Sir Winston was an extremely prescient man; two, he was more than a bit optimistic about the time-frame required to achieve such a feat, and three he was not aware of such delicacies as tandoori chicken and tangdi kabab, otherwise he would have surely added chicken legs to chicken wings and breasts in the list of chicken parts to be cultivated.  But overall, his prediction was surely in the right direction.

Worldwide, a number of universities are trying to develop technology for manufacturing artificial meat.  Europe, which must feel the pinch of land shortage more than other developed countries, has taken a lead in this development. Prof. Mark Post of Maastricht University of Netherlands is one of the leading researchers in this space.    

On August 5, 2013, the world's first lab-grown burger was cooked and eaten at a news conference in London. Prof. Mark Post’s team had taken stem cells from a cow and grown them into strips of muscle which they then combined to make a burger. The burger was cooked by chef Richard McGeown of Couch's Great House Restaurant, Cornwall, and tasted by critics and food researchers, who agreed that it does taste like meat though with a slightly different mouthfeel. Overall verdict was “acceptable”. 

Here's how the process works: scientists biopsy stem or satellite muscle cells from a livestock animal, such as a chicken, cow or pig. The cells are then placed in a nutrient-rich medium where they divide and multiply, and are then attached to a scaffolding structure and put in a bioreactor to grow. In order to achieve the texture of natural muscle, the cells need to be physically stretched and flexed, or exercised, regularly. This is done by passing small amounts of current of electricity which mimics electrical signals in the nervous and motor systems of live animals. The end result is a thin layer of muscle tissue that can be harvested and processed into ground beef, chicken or pork, depending on the origin of the cells. The best part is a single set of stem cells can produce hundreds of tones of end-product, thus minimizing the pain to live animals.
Scientists have even coined a term for in-vitro meat, “shmeat” which is derived from “sheet + meat” since the meat formed in-vitro is harvested as thin strips or sheets of meat.

No doubt the technology is far from serving a juicy steak made in-vitro as it requires creation of blood  vessels in the muscle mass and also mechanism for transport of metabolized products etc to give that juicy mouth-feel that a steak has, but scientists are already on their way to make various organs for transplant into human body and incorporation of that technology for in-vitro meat should be within our reach.  

The advantages of “shmeat” over the “classic” meat grown on farms are simply overwhelming. Detailed studies have been conducted to assess the impact of vertical farming.  Today the figures could be treated as “guestimates”. Let’s look at these :

Land : It is claimed that every hectare utilized by ‘vertical farming” (a synonym for “shmeat” production) about 10 - 20 hectares of agricultural land can be freed. Some studies have estimated the land saving to the extent of 98%. Moreover the production need not be confined to land and can be moved to sea. As per one estimate a bio-reactor of half the size of an Olympic swimming pool can feed 20,000 people.

Energy : The vertical farming would cut down the energy requirement for meat production by between 35% - 60%. The energy requirements of bio-reactors can also be met through solar power. Only chicken farmed in a conventional manner may have lower energy consumption than in-vitro meat.

Green House Gases : There would be a major reduction in GHG generated and  moreover it will be feasible to collect methane generated in bio-reactors and use the same for energy generation.

Water : The water consumption in bio-reactors can be controlled and water recycled to a great degree, thus reducing the water requirements to a fraction of conventional requirements and reducing the groundwater contamination drastically.

Health : Livestock farming gives rise to certain diseases like Mad Cow, Avian Flu, Salmonella, Trichomonas, E-Coli and other flesh-borne diseases. All these diseases would cease to be relevant with in-vitro production. Today almost 70% of the antibiotics produced are pumped into livestock, apart from steroids and growth hormones. The pesticides too get introduced in the human food-chain through animal meat.  In-Vitro meat will be totally free of traces of theses.  
In fact, “shmeat” will give us an opportunity to enhance its quality by addition of desirable ingredients such as omega-3 acids apart from controlling the fat content and profile of fatty acids incorporated in it.
So it appears all the factors which we had identified as “negatives” for livestock farming have been cleared as far as “shmeat” / vertical farming is considered.

Now let’s take a look at other factors which make or break a new technology,

1. Economics :  As with any new path-breaking technology the initial cost of production of in-vitro meat is very high but already the fresh estimates claim it that a burger from in-vitro production will cost about $8 which is very encouraging. Researchers are estimating that shortly the cost could come down to as little as $2-2.50 per kg at which point the economics would have conclusively swung the in-vitro way. In Indian context goat meat at Rs 400 per kg may not have many takers if in-vitro meat is available at these prices.

. Regulatory Approvals :  As of now “shmeat” has no clearance from regulatory agencies. It is likely that there are a few hiccups in obtaining the clearances but surely these can be overcome by sheer weight of facts and mandatory testing of products like in the pharma industry. The in-vitro meat can have a much more regulated quality and also meet stringent requirements as far as pollutants are concerned.

3. Consumer Acceptance : This could be the single most important factor as religious sentiments are intricately involved with such a product. Whether the rabbi will consider “shmeat” as “kosher”, or whether church will have any objections, whether maulawis will consider this meat as “halal” or whether “shmeat” from cow’s stem cells will pass muster with Hindu  ideologues in India are questions that need to be worked on. Luckily, there is a large body of population which will not be bothered by these hypothetical considerations. It is these mass of people which will determine the fate of this technological break-through.    
One factor why the acceptance for “shmeat” is likely to be easier is what I term as “moral cowardice” that most non-vegetarians (including this writer) suffer from. We all know that the juicy steak or spicy chicken curry that we are enjoying has come from a once living creature and one way or the other, we are responsible for killing it, but we don’t want to accept that and are always finding ways to justify our actions by comforting ourselves that the slaughter was carried out “painlessly” or that the chicken was anyway destined to be eaten by somebody and that somebody just happens to be you etc. “Shmeat”  will give us a perfect way out and allow our palate full freedom to enjoy steaks and tandoori chicken without feeling guilty. A few of my gourmet friends have often extolled superior qualities of venison over goat or lamb meat but I have always refrained from consuming venison as I consider deer as an endangered species. But I will gladly order an in-vitro venison steak today if it were to be on the menu.

In lighter vein, we may discover that a T Rex tangri kabab or a fried Pterodactyl wing is the most delicious dish in the world and one may have to pre-book a take-away at least a couple of weeks in advance because there was so much demand for the item.         

Today mankind is looking at setting up bases on Moon and Mars. Very clearly there is a need to be at least a two-world civilization to guard against “homegrown” threat of nuclear catastrophe or an external threat like an asteroid strike either of which could obliterate life on the earth before mankind has a chance of taking any steps to survive this 6th extinction. A technology like vertical farming will essentially boost feasibility of maintaining such bases in worlds which may not support conventional agriculture and food grown in laboratories will be the only source of sustenance for early colonists. Therefore, in-vitro meat production and other technologies which can support life in space voyages or on extra-terrestrial colonies need to be perfected at the earliest. This is one Red Revolution that everyone must welcome and support. 

LazyBee aka Shirish Potnis

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